GRADIENT / REVERSED END FIRED SUB ARRAY delay vs filter trick: the measurements   1 comment

I received a number of questions after posting the “results” at different angles so here are the screen cap’s on the measurements.

Both the front and back stacks of Fulcrum TS212 are running the standard preset via a Linea 44M20 amp.

The LM26 in the delay version is running 3.5ms delay and polarity reverse on the back sub. The filter trick runs a 3rd order Bessel Low Pass filter at 114Hz no polarity no delay needed. The group delay from the filter takes care of the phase alignment and reverses polarity by itself ;-).

Be careful if you try this yourself. I came across a number of different versions on Bessel filters!!!!!! between different processor brands

The delay version
Filter trick

There is a difference in the time read out between the front and back mic. The mic’s were 16mt front and 16mt back from a centreline of the array so welcome in sub world…….timing while synchronising on subs can show unexpected results ;-). As soon as you have a time stick to it until the whole thing is done


Geplaatst22/05/2023 doortimobeckmangeluid inGeen categorie

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